Covid-19 Response Plan
Last updated May 17, 2022
This document summarizes Edifecs' plans for operating during the current state and potential spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority is the health and safety of our associates, customers and partners, apart from meeting the needs of our customers with a minimum of disruption, and ensuring Edifecs is able to support core business processes and functions.
The important context here is that, while we are planning for a worst-case outcome, we don't expect to see anything like that in reality.
Edifecs is following guidance from CDC.
Crisis Management Team
We have a standing Crisis Management Team continually reviewing new information as it comes in. We have established a four-tier escalation ladder (from Tier 0 to Tier 3) for responding to changes that impact Edifecs’ offices. The primary criterion for moving up the ladder is the number of community transmission events within a commute radius of an Edifecs office.
Currently Edifecs Offices are at Tier 0.
Tier 0 includes increased building sanitation measures (both in terms of office cleaning and in terms of making things like hand sanitizer available) as well as continuous risk monitoring via a crisis management team.
At Tier 1, we will encourage as much work from home as possible, limit in-office meetings, visits and services and make or review concrete plans to move critical workflows to offices that are not impacted.
At Tier 2 we close the office to non-essential personnel/activities/events and execute those workload movement plans.
At Tier 3 we lock down the office entirely, and go to 100% mandatory work from home (WFH).
We’ll continue sharing weekly updates on the coronavirus situation.
Core Team
Leader Role Primary Backup Overall Pandemic Response Coordination Ravi Soin, VP of IT and Operations Ritesh Daryani, VP of People and Culture Associate Communications Janet Hohmann, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications and Corporate Marketing Ritesh Daryani, VP of People and Culture Customer Communications Sumeet Bhatia, VP of Sales Janet Hohmann, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications and Corporate Marketing Compliance and External Communication Tuffer Harris, Associate General Counsel Dan Madden, CFO The Incident Management team is responsible for all executive decisions regarding identifying, enacting, managing, and resolving a pandemic incident that requires the enactment of this contingency plan.
Current Situation (May 17, 2022)
Impact to Operations
Low impact to all delivery functions as Edifecs is always prepared for Work-from-home as a business continuity plan.
Low impact to business travel
Low impact to facilities
Edifecs Guidance to Associates:
Edifecs has completed planning a phased Return To Workplace for all our associates at our global facility locations. On June 2, 2020, Edifecs published its intended RTW Playbook as the initial plan and guidance for all Associates, partners and vendors. The playbook outlines Edifecs’ protocols, measures and policies to ensure a safe working environment at its facilities across the globe subject to guidance from local and national authorities.
- Edifecs has launched an HPE program enabling associates to work from where they can be most productive, but all our offices are open to vaccinated associates.
- Associates should “self-assess” for symptoms and follow precaution and safety measures as published by the CDC.
- General guidance around taking personal safely measures is abundantly available across all media sources (emails, web, television broadcast, public display. Through our daily communication we will keep reminding associates about these practices.
Bellevue Office
Our Bellevue office is open to vaccinated associates as of March 12, 2022. Associates must mask in communal places and for everyone’s protection, there are limitations on conference room and elevator capacities. Additionally, food service is limited to individually packaged items.
Atlanta Office
Our Atlanta office is open to vaccinated associates as of March 12, 2022. Associates must mask in communal places and for everyone’s protection, there are limitations on conference room and elevator capacities. Additionally, food service is limited to individually packaged items.
India Office (IDC – Fully Owned Subsidiary of Edifecs, Inc.)
Our India office will soon be open to vaccinated associates. Associates must mask in communal places and for everyone’s protection, there are limitations on conference room and elevator capacities. Additionally, food service is limited to individually packaged items.
Moldova Office (MDC - Fully Dedicated Subcontractor)
Our Moldova office is open to vaccinated associates as of March 12, 2022. Associates must mask in communal places and for everyone’s protection, there are limitations on conference room and elevator capacities. Additionally, food service is limited to individually packaged items.
Home Offices
Edifecs has launched an HPE program enabling associates to work from wherever they feel they can be the most productive. We continue to offer unparalleled amenities at our offices including a Wellbeing Center, onsite gym, and daily tea service and meditation among multiple other services.
Business travel has resumed, but we ask our associates to be judicious about travel and take precautions to ensure their health and safety.
Business Continuity
Edifecs is well equipped to continue to operate throughout the pandemic and expects to be able to provide required support / services to customers as usual.
Since Edifecs already employs a significant remote workforce, the company remained well-positioned to expand remote work across its entire workforce.
Regardless of Edifecs’ facility location, the standard business continuity plan for Edifecs is in effect and business operations continue with 100% of Edifecs Associates at all Edifecs locations are WFH.
Status of Critical Functions
As of May 17, 2022
Critical Function / Asset Status Primary and Secondary Responsible Person / Decision Maker Network Infrastructure Fully functional with no impact Ravi Soin
Sam SallProduct Support Fully functional via WFH with low impact. Adnan Moslehuddin
Sundar ShenbagamData Center & Public Cloud Operations Fully functional with no impact Ravi Soin
Sam SallEngineering & Product Management Fully functional via WFH with low impact. Sundar Shenbagam Administrative Functions Fully functional via WFH with no impact. Dan Madden
Ritesh DaryaniOffice Facilities Fully functional Ravi Soin
Sanjeet DhinsaSales Operations and Business Travel Fully functional Sumeet Bhatia
Abby Bilyeu